4 mistakes from 3 business owners

Here's what you can do differently

Mindset: The difference between you and someone 10 steps ahead is they kept walking while you changed course, walked backwards or stopped moving.

Mark’s Money Moves: Small tweaks, big results

I recently audited 3 struggling ecommerce businesses.

I looked at:

  1. Ads

  2. Landing pages

  3. The offer

  4. Post purchase experience

Here’s what I found:

1. Ad Creatives: Make it Real

A lot of ads fall flat because they’re too polished and feel inauthentic. Successful brands like Gymshark keep things fresh by mixing polished shots with real-life, user-generated content (UGC). Everyone started using Billo to source fabricated UGC and everyone is catching on. The fix: Just use real customers.

  • Test different styles—professional vs. UGC—and see what sticks. “Perfection isn’t the goal—authenticity is.”

2. Landing Pages: Match the Message

The disconnect between ad and landing page is a common issue. AG1 and Spacegoods do it right by keeping their landing pages simple, clean, and consistent with the promise made in their ads.

  • Keep your landing page focused:

    • Clear and singular CTA

    • Minimal distractions (Stop with the popups, chatbot and discount flyouts)

    • Messaging that aligns with your ad

“When your landing page feels like a continuation of the ad, conversions jump.”


3. The Offer: Simplicity Wins

Too many businesses overcomplicate their offers, diluting value. AG1, for instance, keeps things straightforward with one strong core offer. They add value through strategic bundles rather than endless discounts.

The thought experiment I did with clients was: If you had to 2x your price, how would you justify the value?

“A clean, focused offer beats a confusing, feature-heavy one. Simplicity builds trust.”


4. Post-Purchase: Keep Talking

The best time to sell something is after someone just bought. Chances are you’re not being aggressive enough with your post purchase upsells. Get some in place test, and watch AOV go up.

Ad costs are getting too high to not use post purchase upsells. It can mean the difference between profitable and taking a loss.

“It’s all about keeping the relationship going after the purchase. That’s how you turn a one-time buyer into a loyal customer.”


The internet game is not zero-sum. You can win at this with unlimited upside. This game is about the freedom to do what you want, when you want and with who you want.


or to participate.