• Right Words
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  • Suck at selling? There's an AI for that.

Suck at selling? There's an AI for that.

It's simple, you need more sales

Hi fellow AIpreneurs!

Welcome back to The Right Words, a series detailing my successful tactics for growing a solopreneur business with AI and how you can do the same.

Today’s topics:

🤿 | Deep dive: Supercharge your sales ops

💨 | In case you missed it

🤖 | 6 AI tools to start your business

💰 | Best links to make bank

🧮 | Last week’s metrics & income

Navigating the digital landscape offers endless horizons. This journey isn't just about success; it's about crafting our destiny, defining our rhythm, and choosing our tribe.

Are you ready to forge a new path?


Supercharge your sales ops

Mastering the sales operations scene is no child’s play.

And let’s be honest, the traditional avenues can be a real snooze.

But here’s where SendSpark comes in, promising a fresh take on engaging prospects and fine-tuning your sales operations. The charm lies not just in what you say, but how you say it. And visuals, they’re the new vernacular in this narrative.

Kickstart Your SendSpark Journey

I found SendSpark, a haven for those looking to inject a dose of personal connection in the often mechanical world of sales ops.

Let’s break down how you can jump on this bandwagon:

Step 1: Enlist and Gear Up 🛡️

Make your way to the SendSpark website and hit Sign up for free to get the ball rolling.

Step 2: Forge Your Message 📜

Once in, you're greeted by a dashboard - your new cockpit. Hit Create a New Video to start crafting your message.

Step 3: Action, Captivation & Connection 🎥

Now, either hit record on your webcam or upload a pre-crafted video. Remember, it’s your authentic self that will strike a chord.

Step 4: Adorn Your Message 🎨

A little jazz never hurts. Customize your video with overlays, calls to action, and a thumbnail to seal the deal.

Step 5: Dispatch Your Envoy 🚀

Ready to launch? Share your video via email or embed it on your website. And then, keep tabs on the engagement through SendSpark’s analytics.

Hit the Share Video button and voila.

Embed it on your website:

Share it to your customers through Gmail, Outlook, LinkedIn or X:

Or simply download your content as a video or a thumbnail (GIF):

Step 6: Scrutinize, Refine, Progress 📊

Dive deep into the analytics, understand the ripples your video created, and tweak your strategy for the next wave.

Don't let the 0 views fool you, this piece was crafted solely to share with you all...

The upgraded version of Sendspark let’s you in on much further features which I’m sure could interest you, if you’re willing to invest the extra $ 34 / month

In the world of sales operations, every interaction is a verse in your brand’s narrative.

With the right blend of authenticity and engagement, you're not just closing deals, but opening chapters of enduring relationships.

It's time to turn the page and embrace the unfolding narrative of success my friends.

Growth Guides 

In case you missed it

Don’t miss my previous posts that are going give you an unfair advantage:


Start your AI business

Artlist: All you need to create amazing videos 📽️

Zupyak: Get more customers from search engines, without the effort 😴

ClickupAI: The AI-powered assistant tailored to your role 🤝

Narrato: AI autopilot for content creation & marketing 📑

ZipChat: AI sales chatbot that turns more visitors into buyers ⚡

PitchYourIdea: Practice your business pitch with AI assistants for feedback 🗣️


AI Tools and resources

🤖 Humanoid robots may finally be coming to the business world — starting in warehouses.

🧾 The state of AI report 2023: The most anticipated report of the year.

💲 OpenAI evaluated at $86 billion for potential share sale.

📺 Navigating the AI Wave for Startups and Established Enterprises - Scott Belsky


Builder mode enabled

What feels like play to you, but looks like work to others?

Naval Ravikant
  • 18 new subscribers per day

  • 2703 total subscribers 🎉

  • $124 earned in August from BeeHiiv Boosts and affiliates

If you haven’t started something yet take the next most obvious step.

  • Learn nocode tools

  • Build your landing page

  • Create the social media account

  • Post consistently to start building engagement

  • Begin developing your first digital product or service

  • Collaborate with others in your field to expand your reach

See you on the next one,


P.S. Want to work with me directly? Set up a call.
P.P.S. Want to sponsor the newsletter? Set up a call.
P.P.P.S. For those interested, this is the software stack I use:

(These are affiliate links, so if you sign up, I'll get a small referral commission.)

Beehiiv for my newsletter: I recommend this for anyone looking to seriously build a one person business to seven figures. This tool has everything you need to grow and monetize your audience for under $100/month.

Tweethunter to dominate on Twitter/X: This has all the bells and whistles from scheduling Tweets, AI writer, Retweets, engagement and more.

Notion is a non-negotiable. This is your app to organize, document, and execute your business.

Make.com is your go to automation tool. Make your life easier by adopting this tool from the start. Literally cut hours of work per day.

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