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AI solopreneur 3 core streams of income

Do you have these 3 stream of income yet?

Hi fellow AIpreneurs!

Welcome back to The Right Words, a series detailing my successful tactics for growing a solopreneur business with AI and how you can do the same.

Today’s topics:

🧮 | Last week’s metrics & income

🤿 | Deep dive: Soloprenuer holy trinity revenue streams

💨 | In case you missed it

🤖 | My list of 60 AI tools to start your business

💰 | Best links to make bank

The internet game is not zero-sum. You can win at this with unlimited upside. This game is about the freedom to do what you want, when you want and with who you want.

If you’re with me then let’s get after it.


The 3 roles of a Soloprenuer

There are plenty of smart people who get nowhere.

Paul Graham

The graph you see above is by Paul Graham regarding the startup journey, but can also be used for the solopreneur journey.

You’ll notice the period knows as the Trough of Sorrow.

This is the period where focus on some clear objectives will keep your momentum in the trough.

Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.

Winston Churchill
  1. Marketing: Create ongoing awareness of your business

  2. Sales: Develop systems of consistent selling of no brainer offers

  3. Customer success: Ensure your customers have success and happiness

Here’s my progress using the above as my guide

  • 22 new subscribers per day

  • 2402 total subscribers 🎉

  • $322 earned in August from BeeHiiv Boosts and affiliates

The excitement of my ‘new thing’ has worn off and my focus is consistent growth.

On the horizon

I’m working on some free lead magnets that answer the most common question I hear, “what should I sell?”.

If you haven’t started something yet take the next most obvious step.

  • Learn nocode tools

  • Build your landing page

  • Create the social media account

  • Post consistently to start building engagement

  • Begin developing your first digital product or service

  • Collaborate with others in your field to expand your reach


AI Soloprenuer 3 core streams of income

I’ve had success with multiple business models over the last 10 years (without AI).

  1. Cohort based coaching

  2. Subscription based e-commerce

  3. Marketing Agency

  4. 1 on 1 consulting

  5. Productized services

But if I had to start over again now that I have access to AI, here would be my blueprint to fast track a solopreneur to $10k/month.

1. Start a weekly newsletter

I hear stories on a weekly basis of businesses losing SEO rankings, getting demonetized on Youtube, algorithm changes on social media, and privacy updates that kill traffic.

Last I checked the organic reach on Instagram was 4% and Facebook is 1%.

I’ve personally gone from being #1 on Google to non-existent.

With a newsletter you’re solving for one of the biggest risks you face:

Audience loss.  

Your newsletter becomes a double dip:

  • Retain your audience

  • Monetize your audience

Your reach with a well written newsletter will be over 50% and the quality of the views compared to social media are 10x.

With tools like Beehiiv you have built in AI tools to write newsletters with ease.

Plus Beehiiv just bought Swapstack to further their ad network, allowing newsletters to monetize with premium brand sponsorships… all without ever having to leave Beehiiv.

You can monetize your audience with paid sponsorships from day one. This means your time from launch to earnings is instant.

The fastest I was ever able to do that in a pre AI world was 3 months…

This shouldn’t be your main monetization method, but treated as gravy on top.

Plug your newsletter on social media, on thank you pages, at the end of a video, inside a lead magnet etc.

If you want to charge growth check out my Twitter ads method.

2. Offer 1 on 1 consulting

In order for this to work you need two pre-requisites:

  1. You have enough knowledge to actually help the person

  2. You have to really care about the other persons success

Word will spread quickly if you’re charging $1000/hour to provide generic advice.

Providing 1 on 1 coaching will provide intel on what you should be creating digital products around.

Here’s how I structure a consulting call:

  • Create an intake form with questions your prospect will fill out beforehand.

  • Identify what issues they’re struggling with ahead of time and have actionable solutions or resources.

  • Share actual examples of what you’ve done or are doing. Facebook ad account, ad creatives, landing pages, copywriting, call scripts etc. This isn’t time for theory.

  • Hold them accountable for what they will before your next call.

  • Be willing to give them a reality check.

The best consulting call I paid for resulted in me making a dramatic shift in my career path. There was something about an impartial third party that was able to objectively see my situation for what it was.

Combined with his track record of success it lead me to a string of million dollar businesses I started.

YOu can find consulting opportunities using my AI networking method.

3. Create digital products based on your audience

Your newsletter and 1 on 1 consulting calls with help you pinpoint exactly what will be worth your time to create in the form of a digital product.

Many I work with have a reluctance to create a digital product due to fear of not having anything someone would pay for.

My first product I created after collecting intel still took 3-4 months to dial in the offer and product.

Start by identifying your target audience's biggest challenges and pain points through surveys, interviews, and examining questions they ask in your newsletter or social media. Look for problems that keep coming up repeatedly.

Once you've identified 1-3 promising issues to address, create a simple solution in the form of a digital product. This could be a guide, short video course, checklist, spreadsheet, or template.

Keep it focused on solving one specific problem. Resist the urge to cram in too much content. You can always cre

ate additional products down the road.

Test the draft product with a small group of 5-10 people from your target audience. Get their honest feedback through surveys and/or interviews. Ask what they liked, what could be improved, and if they would pay for it.

Refine the product based on feedback. Then do a beta launch to a larger segment of your audience, around 50-100 people. Offer a discounted price in exchange for more feedback.

Review feedback and make final tweaks. Pricing should cover your time plus a profit margin. Avoid going overboard with hype. Focus copy on how it solves your audience's problem.

Launch to your full audience and continue gathering feedback. Use this to improve the product over time and inform your next digital product idea.

Stay focused on serving your audience rather than making quick money. Over-deliver value and the sales will come.

Collect testimonials proactively and share them liberally!


In case you missed it

Don’t miss my previous posts that are going to give you an unfair advantage:


Start your AI business

1. Image

  • Leap AI

  • Segmind

  • Midjourney

2. Research

  • ChatGPT

  • Perplexity

  • Bing Chat

3. Writing

  • Jasper

  • Writesonic

  • Hemingway

4. CopyWriting

  • Rytr

  • AdCopy

  • Copy AI

5. Website

  • 10Web

  • Style AI

  • Durable

6. Video

  • Klap

  • Eightify

  • InVideo

  • Runway

7. SEO

  • VidIQ

  • Seona AI

  • BlogSEO

8. Automation

  • Make

  • Zapier

  • Bardeen

9. Design

  • Canva

  • Flair AI

  • Designify

  • Clipdrop

  • Autodraw

  • Magician design

10. Productivity

  • Tldv

  • Notion AI

  • Adobe Sensei

11. Social media management

  • Tribescaler

  • Blackmagic

  • TweetHunter

12. Marketing

  • Pencil

  • Ai-Ads

  • AdCopy

  • Simplified

  • AdCreative

13. Audio

  • Lovo ai

  • Eleven labs

  • Songburst AI

  • Adobe Podcast

14. Prompts

  • FlowGPT

  • Alicent AI

  • PromptBox

  • Promptbase

  • Snack Prompt

15. Chatbot

  • Droxy

  • Chatbase

  • Mutual info

  • Chatsimple


AI Tools and resources

🤖 ChatGPT for your website. Elevate your website's user experience by integrating Diddo, a ChatGPT-powered chatbot that's as unique as your business.

🤔 AI-Powered PR for Impact. Get your message out and contribute to a more constructive and solution-oriented media climate with the power of AI.

🤫 Your Personal AI Art Marketing Assistant. Craft captivating descriptions, captions and art effortlessly with the world’s first app designed exclusively to empower artists

🎨 With VOMO, effortlessly capture and organize your thoughts using just your voice. Advanced voice AI ensures precise transcription, transform your notes into tables, PPT outlines, meeting minutes, action items, and more.

See you on the next one,


P.S. Want to work with me directly? Set up a call.
P.P.S. Want to sponsor the newsletter? Set up a call.
P.P.P.S. For those interested, this is the software stack I use:

(These are affiliate links, so if you sign up, I'll get a small referral commission.)

Beehiiv for my newsletter: I recommend this for anyone looking to seriously build a one person business to seven figures. This tool has everything you need to grow and monetize your audience for under $100/month.

Tweethunter to dominate on Twitter/X: This has all the bells and whistles from scheduling Tweets, AI writer, Retweets, engagement and more.

Notion is a non-negotiable. This is your app to organize, document, and execute your business.

Make.com is your go to automation tool. Make your life easier by adopting this tool from the start. Literally cut hours of work per day.

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