Use this unfair AI advantage

The Robots are Coming

Hi fellow AIpreneurs!

Welcome back to The Right Words, a series detailing my successful tactics for growing a solopreneur business with AI and how you can do the same.

Today’s topics:

🤿 | Deep dive: Differentiate Yourself in the AI Age

💨 | In case you missed it

🤖 | Start your AI business

💰 | Best links to make bank

🧮 | Last week’s metrics & income

The internet game is not zero-sum. You can win at this with unlimited upside. This game is about the freedom to do what you want, when you want and with who you want.

If you’re with me then let’s get after it.


When they zig you zag

Currently making the rounds is a story of someone who was able to game the system, a really big system aka Google.

This has been an ongoing game of cat and mouse even 12 years ago when I was gaming the Google algorithm with elaborate 1000 domain blog networks, what I call the glory years now.

Here’s the skinny:

If you didn’t read it he basically cloned a competitors content using their sitemap and an AI writer.

Emmett Shear the former interim ex-CEO of OpenAI and former Twitch CEO had this hot take:

We could debate the ethics of these tactics but I want to share my takeaway and how you can create leverage for your business and entrepreneurial endeavors.

Doing what everyone else is doing means you’re already behind

When I first started the internet game I had this feeling that everyone who was succeeding and sharing how they did it weren’t telling me everything.

It’s like the jacked guys who tell you to drink more water and get eight hours of sleep, while injecting anabolics in their ass.

I got into an online debate about this with Tim Ferriss years ago on Twitter when he said he didn’t think that all the marketing hacks and SEO were necessary to grow an audience and all that was required was produce great content.

I gave him a challenge to start a new blog with a pseudo name and then share how things were going 6 months later.

He didn’t like the idea and his minions attacked me until 1am.

Look, I’m not suggesting you copy others content, inject yourself with steroids or challenge the great and powerful Tim Ferriss.

What I am suggesting is you have to do more than the status quo.

Behind closed doors

I was fortunate in my early career to be in several masterminds where the barrier to entry was doing one million in revenue per year at a minimum. This meant the barrier to entry was higher and the tactics and conversations were about “here’s whats actually working”.

The tactics and topics we discussed would end up on paid forums/groups 3 months later, then on social media 6 months later. Once the masses had the tactics they were half as effective and everyone was doing it.

Many find themselves in a perpetual loop of being two steps behind and niche switching.

How to get ahead and stay ahead

When I was 21 I was aimlessly going through college while working a sales job for a marketing agency. I would come home after doing a hundreds of dials a day and scour the internet for how I could get ahead by building my own business.

1. Get inputs from the right sources

We are all narcissists, some deeper on the spectrum than others.

Robert Greene

The era of consumption has blurred the lines of learning and mental masturbation.

I was teaching myself online business by finding the right people that were actually winning.

I started to find trusted sources.

Here’s my short list of what to look for:

  • Private or paid communities with threaded discussions sharing WHAT is being done, no theories. Experts are identifiable by the quality of content and the platforms clout or badge system.

  • Join a mastermind or create your own. This should be at a minimum a weekly live call with 5-10 others who are at similar levels in their journey.

  • Newsletters with practitioners documenting their journey, warts and all.

  • Cohort based courses that have successful students.

  • Share your journey on platforms like Twitter/X and ask for feedback.

You’re going to find out that people are willing to help you.

Don’t be a leach.

Be prepared to add value into these groups.

Have an abundance mindset.

2. Winners ship

At the end of the day you have to get your work out there.

If you’re building anything from an agency, SaaS, AI tool etc. the amount of learning from building is exponential.

Here’s some bedrock essentials no matter what you’re working on:

  1. Build an offer and sales page

I recommend using Carrd, they have easy to use templates.

Start with a basic landing page:

  1. Collect payments

We’re going to use Stripe because it’s easy and fast.

Make a payment link:

Now you can get paid with

  • Cashapp

  • Applepay

  • Googlepay

  • Linkpay

We’ve made it easy for people to buy your product or service.

  1. On-board

In this example we’re going to use a live cohort model using

  • Link your Zoom

  • Pick dates

  • Enable one-click signups

  • Track attendees

Now you can automatically have new buyers have a live zoom with you. This is going to increase retention and give you a major advatage.

  1. Collect social proof

Biggest mistake anyone starting out can make is not collecting reviews and social proof.

Start with:

  • Testimonials

  • Shout outs on social media

  • Case studies

Here’s how you do it on easy mode:

  • Get an account with Testimonial 

  • Capture testimonials, comments, and praise

Now you can embed these anywhere (start on your carrd site)

Just start

There’s a lot of options here:

  • Memberships

  • Services

  • Consulting

  • Courses

  • Software

Then the game becomes driving awareness.

Here’s a few previous issues you can read to learn tactics to grow your brand:


In case you missed it

Don’t miss my previous posts that are going to give you an unfair advantage:


Start your AI business

Consensus: A new search engine for evidence-based answers  

Superflow: Produce swift email summaries and auto-crafted responses in your style ✏️

Equals: Transform spreadsheets into visual dashboards and automatically send updated reports 📊

SheetAI: Put AI in your Google Sheets 📜

Dante: Custom GPT chatbots trained on your data 🤖

Helpbar: Universal search built for SaaS 🔎


AI Tools and resources

📑 Market Intelligence with Graphlit, Reddit and Azure AI

🔊Voice Compose” for Gmail coming soon.

🧑‍🎓 An extremely interesting Generative AI course by Andrew NG

👀 How to see the future using DALL-E 3


Playing the long game

Quick and dirty stats:

  • 22 new subscribers per day

  • 3500 total subscribers 🎉

  • $130 earned in December from BeeHiiv Boosts and affiliates

On the horizon

My plans are to double down on enabling your success as an AI solopreneur:

  1. Create a Skool community with trainings and collaboration opportunities.

  2. Stand alone zero to one AI business startup playbooks

  3. Access to discounted AI tools

If you haven’t started something yet take the next most obvious step.

  • Learn nocode tools

  • Build your landing page

  • Create the social media account

  • Post consistently to start building engagement

  • Begin developing your first digital product or service

  • Collaborate with others in your field to expand your reach

See you on the next one,


P.S. Want to work with me directly? Set up a call.
P.P.S. Want to sponsor the newsletter? Set up a call.
P.P.P.S. For those interested, this is the software stack I use:

(These are affiliate links, so if you sign up, I'll get a small referral commission.)

Beehiiv for my newsletter: I recommend this for anyone looking to seriously build a one person business to seven figures. This tool has everything you need to grow and monetize your audience for under $100/month.

Tweethunter to dominate on Twitter/X: This has all the bells and whistles from scheduling Tweets, AI writer, Retweets, engagement and more.

Notion is a non-negotiable. This is your app to organize, document, and execute your business. is your go to automation tool. Make your life easier by adopting this tool from the start. Literally cut hours of work per day.

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