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This high income skill is earning me thousands

It's not faceless youtube or dancing on tiktok

It’s getting silly how easy it is to start a business.

And yet 30% of businesses fail within the first two years and 70% after a decade. The number one reason businesses fail is they run out of money.

Good news is, turning your side hustle into your main hustle only requires you to get a few things right.

This will be the 80/20 rule in action.

I don’t care if you’re selling a physical product, consulting, digital products, a SaaS, or services. If you focus on these three things you’ll make more money.

  1. Make content and post it

  2. Talk to people 1 on 1

  3. Run ads

You’re not making more money because:

  • No one can find you

  • The customers you sell to aren’t worth very much

Meanwhile the cost to acquire a customer is only getting more expensive.

You solve this by making “value loop” content that makes customers worth more.

It’s simple we keep them coming back for more

You’re dropping the ball once you get attention, because you don’t have a reason for them to keep coming back.

Every impression you win from your efforts should have a path to invite them into a value loop.

Examples of value loop content are newsletters, podcast, weekly lives, online communities, YouTube channel, in person meetups etc.

Think about what you consume regularly and why. It’s solving a problem for you in health, wealth, relationship or happiness. Or it’s entertaining you.

Here’s the 5 steps to execute value loop content that I’ll share using a newsletter as the example, while still applying to other value loops.

Step 1: The Idea Machine

Information is overwhelming you to the point most of it doesn’t stick in your mind, so when you sit down to create your own content you draw a blank. Studies show that it’s more effective to organize your learnings along the way vs doing a long session of learning then trying to organize your everything.

It’s time to create a simple system to capture, catalog and measure content ideas.

I use Notion, but you could use Apple notes, or any other you prefer.

Here’s how I never run out of winning content ideas:

Capture System

  • Do not consume content passively. When you engage start pulling out quotes, screenshots, videos, images, sound bites, and your own personal notes.

  • Save high value sources in a list you can revisit frequently. You’re caught in someone’s value loop!

  • Capture your own thoughts related to the content or idea whether it came internally or externally. I will use written notes, voice memo, or even a Loom recording to document.

  • Tag content by type and topic. Don’t overcomplicate this, you just need to be able to find and pull your key takeaways.

Step 2: Deep Research

Once you’ve formed some content ideas it’s time to internalize and expand.

Your outputs will only be as good as your inputs. Curate your inputs from social media, books, entertainment and other sources.

I use a category system to get what I need:

  • Research books on the topic

  • Find experts on the topic and pull quotes/ideas (

  • Listen to top podcasts on the topic

  • Google, yes Google

  • Research leading newsletters, Substacks, Youtube channels, publications etc.

As an example, if you’re doing anything in the startup space you’d find a wealth of information from Paul Graham. He has essays, videos and social media content that provide specialized knowledge.

Your research will take you to paths that lead to core sources like a Paul Graham.

Again, get used to making notes in real time.

Do not wait or get caught being a consumer only.

Step 3: Use a Framework

Learn from TikTok creators.

Testing Stage

Find a channel that has recently exploded with views and look at their previous videos that didn’t get much exposure. What you’ll find is a lot of testing until they find a winning format. They then lock into this format to create continual winners.

Review the top creators you follow and extract elements from their content. Look for structure, formatting, flow and less at their style and tone.

Stick with problem solving content that provides massive value.

Here’s a simple framework I use:

  • What’s a large pain or problem?

  • What’s the current way people solve it?

  • Why isn’t that working that great?

  • What’s a new way to solve it?

  • What steps can I provide to guide them to solve this big problem?

Remember that provide a cure is more compelling than prevention.

When you use this template, your audience will associate you with improvement in their lives. They will want to stay in the loop.

Review your analytics to find which content is preforming best and update your templates, frameworks, layouts and topics.

Step 4: Make it Easy to Consume

The unboxing experience matters.

Assume that your audience is consuming content on their phone and adapt your content to that format.

For written material:

  1. Use headings that allow for skimming

  2. Break up text for easier reading

  3. Mimic top publications winning content layouts

  4. Get into the meat of your content quickly

Study existing platforms and creators layouts and do the same. Each platform will have nuances that don’t often translate to the next. X, Instagram, Medium, Newsletters, Blogs, etc. will all require a different template and approach.

Step 5: Ruthless Editing

There is no such thing as good writing, only good rewriting

Robert Graves

This is where your content can move from good to great.

Now I realize editing is a crucial step in crafting engaging content. It's not just about catching spelling mistakes or fixing grammar - it's about ensuring clarity and concision. Ruthlessly trim unnecessary words, sentences, or tangents that stray from your core message.

Ultimately, your goal should be to deliver precisely what your headline promises.

As you edit, ask yourself these four key questions:

  • Are my sentences straightforward and easy to follow?

  • Have I removed any irrelevant information?

  • Have I included relevant resources for readers who want to learn more?

  • Does the content align with the expectations set by my headline?

School has improperly trained us on how to write well. If you’re like me, when I was a kid in school I used to completely skip the editing process, and made so much filler content to hit the required wordcount.

Unlearn this and focus not on wordcount but quality of the words.


  1. To keep your audience engaged, create "value loop" content like newsletters, podcasts, or communities that consistently provide value by solving problems or entertaining.

  2. Capture content ideas by actively taking notes while consuming other content, doing deep research from reputable sources, and using a problem-solving framework.

  3. Make your content easily consumable on mobile by using clear formatting, getting to the point quickly, and studying winning layouts from top creators.

  4. Ruthlessly edit your content for clarity, concision, and alignment with the promised value in your headline.

  5. Build your personal brand as a subject matter expert by sharing your story, understanding your community's needs, fostering conversations, and leveraging platforms effectively.

The internet game is not zero-sum. You can win at this with unlimited upside. This game is about the freedom to do what you want, when you want and with who you want.

P.S. Want to work with me directly? Set up a call.
P.P.S. For those interested, this is the software stack I use:

(These are affiliate links, so if you sign up, I'll get a small referral commission.)

Beehiiv for my newsletter: I recommend this for anyone looking to seriously build a one person business to seven figures. This tool has everything you need to grow and monetize your audience for under $100/month.

Tweethunter to dominate on Twitter/X: This has all the bells and whistles from scheduling Tweets, AI writer, Retweets, engagement and more.

Notion is a non-negotiable. This is your app to organize, document, and execute your business.

Make.com is your go to automation tool. Make your life easier by adopting this tool from the start. Literally cut hours of work per day.

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