The John D. Rockefeller Method

How the Rock made bank

The debate on hustle vs work smarter are stupid.

Imagine talking with this about someone like John D. Rockefeller about this.

The Rock was relentless.

In the early oil boom, he saw a struggling competitor with poor-quality oil and bought it cheaply. He cleverly refined it into usable kerosene, turning a problem into profit. Realizing transportation costs were high, he negotiated with railroads for lower shipping rates by promising steady business.

Here's the truth: Success comes from knowing what to work on and making those hours count.

Prioritize high-impact tasks. Create systems to maximize efficiency.

You didn't start your online biz to burn out and sacrifice everything. You want freedom, flexibility, and a life outside your laptop.

Ready to revolutionize your approach and skyrocket your success - without the burnout?

Keep reading, because I'm about to drop some strategies that will transform the way you work.

Let's redefine the solopreneur, on our terms.

The right work the right way

"Do you think that during the first five hours of the day you are the same as you are in the last five hours? No way."

Brunello Cucinelli

In other words, one hour of deep, focused work in the morning is worth far more than several hours of tired, distracted work at night.

When you try to build your online business after a long day at your 9 to 5, you're working with:

  • A depleted brain

  • Dwindling willpower

  • Decreased focus and creativity

The quality of your work suffers, and you're more likely to make bad decisions or give up entirely.

This often comes from an upbringing where school told you what to do, your parents told you what to do, your boss told you what to do, and society told you what to do.

Bad programming.

What's the solution

Retrain your brain from a cog in someone else’s system to creating your own system.

This starts with understanding no one is going to hand deliver to you instructions to build the thing.

Build the resilience to take on new challenges and rebound from setbacks.

You become the problem solver.

You write the manual.

You bring your business into existence.

Dedicate just one focused hour to your online business every morning, before the demands of the day hijack your attention.

  • Wake up an hour earlier if you have to.

  • Cut back on TV time or social media scrolling.

  • Do whatever it takes to carve out those 60 minutes of uninterrupted time for your most important work.

By making your online business a priority during your peak hours, you'll make significant progress without burning yourself out in the process.

Tim Ferriss, author of The 4-Hour Workweek, sums it up nicely: "Focus on being productive instead of busy."

Many get stuck on what they should be doing.

Here’s the shortcut.

Find someone who’s doing well an model them.

Pick skills, interests, and mentors that you naturally gravitate towards

Entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk echoes this sentiment: "Stop doing shit you hate. There's so much opportunity in the world to do the things you love and get paid for it."

Stop buying into the myth that more hours equal more results. Start prioritizing quality over quantity.

Your future self will thank you.

The 4-Step Process to Implement the "Power Hour" Method

Step 1: Identify your peak energy hours

  • When do you feel most alert, focused, and creative? For most people, it's in the first few hours of the day.

  • Experiment with different wake-up times to find your sweet spot.

Step 2: Prioritize your most important tasks

  • Make a list of the tasks that will move the needle in your online business.

  • These should be high-impact activities like creating content, reaching out to potential clients, or developing new products.

Step 3: Eliminate distractions

  • Create a distraction-free environment for your power hour.

  • Silence your phone, close unnecessary tabs, and let your family know that you're not to be disturbed.

Step 4: Stick to your schedule

  • Consistency is key.

  • Commit to showing up for your power hour every day, even if it means making some sacrifices in other areas of your life.


  • The key to online success is working smarter, not harder.

  • One focused hour in the morning is worth more than several distracted hours at night.

  • Prioritize your online business during your peak energy hours.

  • Follow the 4-step process to implement the "Power Hour" method.

  • Your future self will thank you for prioritizing quality over quantity.

The internet game is not zero-sum. You can win at this with unlimited upside. This game is about the freedom to do what you want, when you want and with who you want.

P.S. Want to work with me directly? Set up a call.
P.P.S. For those interested, this is the software stack I use:

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