The most powerful modern skill

How you can create freedom with it

The traditional education system ruined a lot of things for me.

Learning was nothing more than a game of delivering what my teachers wanted so I didn’t have my parents on my back.

The idea of learning itself was educated out of me during more formal schooling.

Once I became an entrepreneur I realized I actually enjoyed learning, when the information was relevant.

The most powerful modern skill

The three teachers I had from middle school, to high school to college despised me.

I didn’t know it at the time but I was challenging everything they were trying to teach me.

And I hated writing, or so I thought.

Turns out it had nothing to do with the writing and everything to do with WHAT I was being asked to write and HOW I was being asked to write it.

It wasn’t until I became interested in marketing that I started writing with a purpose. This lead to landing page I wrote in my 20’s that earned me my first million within a 6 month time frame.

This is how I digital writing as the most powerful modern skill and habit and it’s not even close.

How I use writing to grow my million dollar content kingdom

Writing is how you find your purpose

I started writing first to find my Ikigai.

Ikigai is a Japanese concept that translates to "a reason for being." It's the intersection of four key elements:

  1. What you love (your passion)

  2. What you're good at (your vocation)

  3. What the world needs (your mission)

  4. What you can get paid for (your profession)

Writing can help you discover and refine your Ikigai through these steps:

Define What's Already Driving You: Passion is energy

Start by journaling about the topics, activities, and problems that naturally fire you up. What do you find yourself reading about or discussing with enthusiasm? These breadcrumbs can point towards your passion.

Daily Writing and Reflection

We are kept from our life's work by our near enemies, such as ambition, rectitude and prudence.

James Hillman

Make time to write every single day - even if just short form entries or brain dumps. Over time, consistent writing coupled with self-reflection will start to reveal patterns and themes in your thoughts.

Powerful insights will emerge.

Iterate and Get Feedback

Embrace what you don't know, especially in the beginning, because what you don't know can become your greatest asset. It ensures that you will absolutely be doing things different from everybody else.

Sara Blakely

Share your writing publicly and gather feedback to pressure test your ideas. Listen for what resonates most. Iterate your insights based on real responses from your intended audience.

True Ikigai must follow some golden rules:

  • It feels right instinctively

  • It creates flow - losing track of time

  • There's an upward Life Arc from pursuing it

  • The more you pursue it, the more motivated you become

Aligning All of Life and Work

I want to put a ding in the universe.

Steve Jobs

Once clarity emerges around your Ikigai, make intentional choices to put your ‘ding’ on the universe. Design your environment and routines to propel you further.

Writing is how you gain clarity

Have you seen this idea of noise to signal ratio?

It’s being really good at identifying what in your life is meaningful and worth paying attention to and what is just noise.

Hint: most of it is just noise

Writing daily during quiet mornings will hone your antenna to signals of value.

Writing is how you find your voice and audience

As I discussed previously, you shouldn’t ignore the power of publishing content on social media like LinkedIn and X.

  1. The leverage to reach “one to many” on these platforms is how you create freedom in your life.

  2. You create a feedback loop that comes from putting your ideas into the marketplace.

When you commit to showing up and sharing your uncensored thoughts through writing consistently, something magical happens.

You become the Gladwellian "10,000 Hour" master of articulating your true voice.

Voice is the essence of personal brand.

Gary Vaynerchuk

The more you write publicly, the more you have to double down on your convictions.

Your ideas get pressure-tested and refined until only the most resonant aspects remain. That's how you develop a voice so crisp it cuts through the noise.

And let me tell you, nothing magnetizes an audience quite like unapologetic authenticity.

Then when the time is right, you'll have an activated following primed to invest in your products and services.

Writing is how you create wealth and freedom

Every piece of content you publish acts as a lead generation asset in your funnel.

Free Value-First Offerings

  • Social Media Captions (Twitter/LI)

  • Short-Form YouTube/TikTok Videos

  • Instagram Carousels

  • Weekly Newsletter

Those who deeply resonate become your digital tribe and want more.

Nurturing the Relationship

  • Automated Email Sequences

  • Live Webinars/AMAs

  • Free Challenges

  • Teeing Up Your Premium Offerings

Each free piece of valuable content acts as a calculated entry point to nurture your audience relationship further.

Paid Offers

  • Paid Online Courses/Certifications

  • Implementation Coaching/Consulting

  • Mastermind Communities

  • Live In-Person Mastermind Retreats

You can ethically make offers for individuals to take their education and transformation to the next level through your premium offerings.

This transition will be expected after the value you've provided for free.


  • Focus on relevant learning to fuel passion.

  • Write daily to discover your purpose (Ikigai).

  • Share your writing to refine ideas and get feedback.

  • Use writing to build your personal brand and voice.

  • Leverage content to create wealth and freedom.

The internet game is not zero-sum. You can win at this with unlimited upside. This game is about the freedom to do what you want, when you want and with who you want.

P.S. Want to work with me directly? Set up a call.
P.P.S. For those interested, this is the software stack I use:

(These are affiliate links, so if you sign up, I'll get a small referral commission.)

Beehiiv for my newsletter: I recommend this for anyone looking to seriously build a one person business to seven figures. This tool has everything you need to grow and monetize your audience for under $100/month.

Tweethunter to dominate on Twitter/X: This has all the bells and whistles from scheduling Tweets, AI writer, Retweets, engagement and more.

Notion is a non-negotiable. This is your app to organize, document, and execute your business. is your go to automation tool. Make your life easier by adopting this tool from the start. Literally cut hours of work per day.

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