You're not using AI enough...

The only 2 skills you need to win as a solopreneur 🏆

Hi fellow AIpreneurs!

Welcome back to The Right Words, a series detailing my successful tactics for growing a solopreneur business with AI and how you can do the same.

Today’s topics:

🤿 | Deep dive: AI powered marketing & sales

💨 | In case you missed it

🤖 | Start your AI business

💰 | Best links to make bank

🧮 | Last week’s metrics & income

The internet game is not zero-sum. You can win at this with unlimited upside. This game is about the freedom to do what you want, when you want and with who you want.

If you’re with me then let’s get after it.


The AI solopreneur skill stack

It’s time to start getting used to sitting down to do a task and looking for how AI can make it faster, better or easier.

“No one will have to work once AI is fully developed. We are seeing the most disruptive force in history here.”

Elon Musk

No one knows when that moment will come.

But you aren’t use AI enough.

This is why I’m going to center your focus on the skill stack of the AI solopreneur and the best tools to get an unfair advantage. If you can get these two right, you can outsource everything else.


You simply aren’t publishing enough content.

AI now solves that problem.

Start with written content as your amplification method.

Blog content, yes I said BLOG

Take an AI writer like Writesonic to create long form blog content to rank on Google.

The last time I tried to consistently write a blog my brain almost melted.

I did manage to drive 500k views with a single article, but even then the pain of producing endless long form topical content was mind melting.

I used to pay thousands of dollars to have freelancers write hundreds of articles that we’re at best a 5/10.

With Writesonic you can get 8/10 content at a fraction of the cost, and without the wait time or managing staff.

If you’re looking for a place to either start or boost an existing business, this is your answer.

You’ll be on brand, SEO friendly trending topics, while staying authentic and competitive.

Evergreen SEO content is much like building an email list. It’s one of the most cost efficient long term investments you’ll make. They’re both the gift that keeps on giving.

LinkedIn content, yes I said LINKEDIN

You’re not better than LinkedIn, and you’re missing out on massive traffic and money by ignoring it.

You simply aren’t publishing enough content.

LinkedIn is the top social media platform for professionals, with over 800 million users worldwide. It's a goldmine of opportunity if utilized correctly. Taplio helps you maximize LinkedIn by streamlining content creation and engagement.

Chances are you don’t know how to structure compelling posts on LinkedIn at scale. Rather than spending 6 months hacking your way through trial and error just let the AI direct you.

You can’t go full autopilot here, use this as a way to structure winning posts with your original thoughts.

And get this - Taplio actually analyzes my profile and activity to suggest ways to improve my visibility and connect with the right people.

The AI generates eye-catching headlines, outlines structure, and gives writing suggestions to turn your ideas into share-worthy content. This saves you time while allowing you to add your unique voice and perspective.

The key is consistency. By spending just 10 minutes per day with Taplio, you can maintain a regular cadence of valuable posts that build authority and expand your reach.

Leverage Taplio to establish yourself as a thought leader, connect with potential clients and partners, and monetize your knowledge.

Take the stats they provide and pinpoint winning content and double down on what’s working. Your first 10 posts should provide enough feedback to keep funneling into a winning format.

Once you’ve found what’s resonating, keep talking about that topic.

Let’s break down an example.

You post about how to develop leadership skills and it gets a lot of positive engagement. Break that topic down into specific aspects of leadership that people responded well to. For example, focus on topics like:

  • Building trust and credibility as a leader

  • Improving communication and listening skills

  • Coaching and motivating your team

  • Managing change and uncertainty

  • Becoming more strategic and visionary

For each of those subtopics, you can create detailed and tactical posts on things like:

  • The qualities of trustworthy and credible leaders

  • Ways to improve how you communicate as a leader

  • Effective coaching strategies and common coaching mistakes to avoid

  • Leading your team through organizational change

  • How to think more strategically and set a vision

The goal is to double down on the broader leadership topic by getting more granular and expansive with detailed advice. Provide variety within that broader theme.

You can also expand the content format - do short written posts, but also make videos, host podcast interviews with leadership experts, create presentations, create a blogpost using Writesonic or worksheets, etc.

Leverage the content that already resonated with your audience and give them more of it, diving deeper into what they found most helpful.

This is not a comprehensive marketing bible, rather a starting point where AI is going to provide massive leverage.


The playing field is being leveled more than ever in the sales arena. This use to reserved for the elite closers with charisma coming out of their ears.

Coffee is no longer for high pressure closers.

Prospects have moved towards doing their own research and often arrive as your service already sold. That is IF you can provide them a compelling offer.

There’s been an explosion of content online and many that have invested thousands and millions are folding because they failed to monetization.

This is where a VSL (video sales letter) can do the heavy lifting.

And all you need is Decktopus and Loom.

Decktopus uses AI to help you create top notch presentations for your VSL.

Drop in your topic and you’re halfway there. Now it’s your job to drop in custom material like testimonials, case studies and pricing for your offer.

Head over to Loom and record your video either with you talking or using a service like ElevenLabs to do the talking for you.

Take a look at the Client Ascension VSL for an example.


  1. Warmer: Utilize AI tools like Warmer to enhance your outreach efforts on platforms like LinkedIn and through email. Warmer can automate connection requests, follow-ups, and personalized messages, increasing your response rate.

  2. LinkedIn Outreach: Connect with potential leads, send personalized messages, and engage in meaningful conversations. Use Dripify to automate these initial steps and continue nurturing these connections over time.

  3. Email Outreach: Craft compelling email sequences that resonate with your target audience using Personalize your emails based on your recipients' interests and needs. Warmer can assist in sending and tracking these emails effectively.

  4. Networking: Leverage your network to make warm introductions and expand your reach. Building relationships with individuals in your industry can lead to valuable connections and opportunities.

Check out my previous deep dive to learn how to supercharge your outreach and networking.

As a solopreneur if you can nail marketing and sales early on you can outsource the rest, even the marketing and sales later.


In case you missed it

Don’t miss my previous posts that are going to give you an unfair advantage:


Start your AI business

Consensus: A new search engine for evidence-based answers  

Superflow: Produce swift email summaries and auto-crafted responses in your style ✏️

Equals: Transform spreadsheets into visual dashboards and automatically send updated reports 📊

SheetAI: Put AI in your Google Sheets 📜

Dante: Custom GPT chatbots trained on your data 🤖

Helpbar: Universal search built for SaaS 🔎


AI Tools and resources

📑 Market Intelligence with Graphlit, Reddit and Azure AI

🔊Voice Compose” for Gmail coming soon.

🧑‍🎓 An extremely interesting Generative AI course by Andrew NG

👀 How to see the future using DALL-E 3


Playing the long game

Quick and dirty stats:

  • 22 new subscribers per day

  • 2944 total subscribers 🎉

  • $230 earned in August from BeeHiiv Boosts and affiliates

On the horizon

My plans are to double down on enabling your success as an AI solopreneur:

  1. Create a Skool community with trainings and collaboration opportunities.

  2. Stand alone zero to one AI business startup playbooks

  3. Access to discounted AI tools

If you haven’t started something yet take the next most obvious step.

  • Learn nocode tools

  • Build your landing page

  • Create the social media account

  • Post consistently to start building engagement

  • Begin developing your first digital product or service

  • Collaborate with others in your field to expand your reach

See you on the next one,


P.S. Want to work with me directly? Set up a call.
P.P.S. Want to sponsor the newsletter? Set up a call.
P.P.P.S. For those interested, this is the software stack I use:

(These are affiliate links, so if you sign up, I'll get a small referral commission.)

Beehiiv for my newsletter: I recommend this for anyone looking to seriously build a one person business to seven figures. This tool has everything you need to grow and monetize your audience for under $100/month.

Tweethunter to dominate on Twitter/X: This has all the bells and whistles from scheduling Tweets, AI writer, Retweets, engagement and more.

Notion is a non-negotiable. This is your app to organize, document, and execute your business. is your go to automation tool. Make your life easier by adopting this tool from the start. Literally cut hours of work per day.

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